

Add to Chrome

  1. Go to the extension page
  2. Click the Add to Chrome button

From v2.0.0, BlurPage is only available for Chrome. The Firefox add-on is not supported anymore.


After installing the extension, you need to activate it. Click the BlurPage icon on the browser's toolbar. The Activate screen is shown as following:

Verify license

  1. In the first text field, enter the email address you used to purchase
  2. In the second text field, enter the license key
  3. Click the Activate button

The next screen tells you that you have activated the extension successfully.

The license is activated successfully

If you haven't purchased BlurPage yet, click the Buy license button.

You can find your license key in the confirmation email that you received after you purchased BlurPage. If you didn't receive any email after purchasing or lost the license key, please contact me.